Agar-Agar SPECIAL INGREDIENTS LTD Special Ingredients 250g

3.8/5 - (54 Bewertungen)
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Agar-Agar BioVegan Bio Agar Agar, rein pflanzliches Geliermittel: Agar-Agar BioVegan Bio Agar Agar ist ein veganer und biologischer Geliermittel, das aus Rotalgen gewonnen wird. Es hat eine hohe Gelierkraft und kann zur Herstellung von Desserts, Puddings und Gelees verwendet werden. Es kann auch Suppen und Saucen verdicken, um eine cremige und vollmundige Konsistenz zu erzielen. Agar-Agar ist ein natürliches und pflanzliches Bindemittel, das in der veganen Küche weit verbreitet ist.

Agar-Agar SPECIAL INGREDIENTS LTD Special Ingredients 250g

Agar-Agar is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways. Here are some suggestions on how to use this product:

  • Agar-Agar can be used as a gelatin substitute in vegan recipes. To use it, dissolve the agar-agar powder in water and heat it until it becomes a gel. Use this gel to set desserts, jellies, and puddings.
  • For making jelly cubes, mix the agar-agar powder with fruit juice or flavored liquid. Heat the mixture until the agar-agar dissolves completely. Pour the liquid into molds and refrigerate until set.
  • Agar-Agar can also be used as a thickening agent in soups, sauces, and gravies. Add a small amount of agar-agar powder to the liquid and heat until it thickens.
  • To make fruit preserves or jams, dissolve the agar-agar powder in water and mix it with the fruit pulp. Heat the mixture until it thickens and then pour it into sterilized jars.
  • You can also use agar-agar to make homemade vegan cheese. Dissolve the agar-agar powder in water and mix it with blended nuts or seeds. Heat the mixture until it thickens and then refrigerate until set.

Technische Details

Agar-Agar SPECIAL INGREDIENTS LTD Special Ingredients 250g
Modell Agar-Agar SPECIAL INGREDIENTS LTD Special Ingredients 250g
Marke Special Ingredients Ltd
Top Produktbeste-testsieger.de1,8Gut
MengePreis pro 100 g 250 g7,98 € pro 100 g
glutenfrei | laktosefrei Ja | Ja
ohne Gentechnik
  • vegane
  • wiederverschließbare Convenience-Box
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