Nalgene Trinkflasche Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Trinkflasche

4/5 - (30 Bewertungen)
Unsere Angebots-Empfehlung

Nalgene Trinkflasche Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Trinkflasche, Grau, 1

völlig geschmacksneutral
absolut dicht leicht zu reinigen nahezu unzerstörbar
hergestellt aus BPAfreien Tritan TM
großer Verschluss und Deckelbefestigung

Instructions for using the Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Water Bottle:

  • Filling the Bottle:
    To fill the Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Water Bottle, unscrew the lid by rotating it counterclockwise. Hold the bottle under a faucet or pour water into it until it reaches the desired level. Replace and tighten the lid by rotating it clockwise.
  • Drinking from the Bottle:
    To drink from the Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Water Bottle, unscrew the lid by rotating it counterclockwise. Tilt the bottle and pour the desired amount of water into your mouth. Replace and tighten the lid by rotating it clockwise.
  • Cleaning the Bottle:
    To clean the Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Water Bottle, remove the lid by rotating it counterclockwise. Wash the bottle with warm soapy water and a bottle brush, paying special attention to the inside of the bottle and the lid. Rinse thoroughly and let it air dry before using or storing.
  • Storing the Bottle:
    To store the Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Water Bottle, make sure it is clean and dry. Replace the lid by rotating it clockwise until it is tightly secured. Store the bottle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Technische Details

Beste Empfehlung
Nalgene Trinkflasche Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Trinkflasche
Modell Nalgene Trinkflasche Nalgene Uni Wide Mouth 1L Trinkflasche
Marke Nalgene
Beste Empfehlungbeste-testsieger.de1,5Sehr gut
gut für Sport geeignet gut geeignet
Füllmenge 1.000 ml
Material Tritan | sehr robust
für kohlensäurehaltige Getränke geeignet für Getränke mit Kohlensäure geeignet
Gewicht 179 g
  • für Softdrinks geeignet
  • spülmaschinenfest
  • Befestigungsschlaufe
  • sehr robust
  • besonders wasserdicht
  • sporttauglich
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