Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose®winterhart

4.6/5 - (106 Bewertungen)
Unsere Angebots-Empfehlung

Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose winterhart: Das Besondere an diesem Aprikosenbaum ist seine Winterfestigkeit. Er kann auch in Regionen mit kaltem Klima oder hohen Niederschlagsmengen gepflanzt werden. Der Baum erreicht eine Höhe von ca. 3 Meter und liefert im Sommer eine großzügige Ernte an leckeren und saftigen Aprikosen.

How to Use the Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose®winterhart

For Planting:

  1. Select a sunny location for your Cherrykose®winterhart Aprikosenbaum.
  2. Prepare the soil by loosening it and removing any weeds or debris.
  3. Dig a hole that is wide and deep enough to accommodate the root ball of the tree.
  4. Place the tree in the hole, making sure that the bud union (the swollen area on the lower trunk) is level with the soil surface.
  5. Backfill the hole with soil, firmly packing it around the roots.
  6. Water the tree thoroughly after planting.

For Pruning:

  1. Prune the tree during the dormant season, typically in late winter or early spring.
  2. Remove any dead, damaged, or crossing branches.
  3. Thin out the canopy by selectively removing branches to improve airflow and sunlight penetration.
  4. Remove any suckers or shoots that are growing from below the bud union.
  5. Prune back the remaining branches to maintain a balanced shape.

For Harvesting:

  • Monitor the fruits on your Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose®winterhart as they ripen.
  • When the fruits are fully colored and slightly soft to the touch, they are ready to be harvested.
  • Gently twist the fruit off the branch or use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut it off.
  • Store the harvested fruits in a cool, dry place until ready to use.

Technische Details

Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose®winterhart
Modell Aprikosenbaum BALDUR Garten Cherrykose®winterhart
Marke Baldur Garten
Top Produktbeste-testsieger.de2,0Gut
Blütezeit März - April
Standort Sonne bis Halbschatten
Sorte Cherrykose
Topf inklusive
Max. Wuchshöhe 2,5 m
Farbe der Früchte Rot
Verkaufsgröße 60 - 80 cm
  • Spezialhybride
  • winterhart
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