Roces-Inline-Skates Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skate, White-Pink

4.5/5 - (52 Bewertungen)
Unsere Angebots-Empfehlung

Diese Inline-Skates sind der perfekte Einstieg in die Welt des Skatens für junge Mädchen. Sie verfügen über eine robuste Konstruktion und eine bequeme Softboot-Schale, die einen hervorragenden Komfort und Schutz bietet. Die 68-mm-Rollen sorgen für ein stabiles Fahrverhalten und die bremsfähige Polycarbonat-Rolle bietet zusätzliche Sicherheit. Mit diesem Skate hat Ihre Tochter viel Spaß.

How to use Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skate

Step 1: Adjust the size

Before using the Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skate, make sure to adjust the size to fit your child’s feet properly. Loosen the laces or straps and slide the tongue forward to open up the skate. Then, place your child’s foot inside and tighten the laces or straps until the skate fits comfortably.

Step 2: Secure the skates

Once the skates are on, secure them by tightening the laces or straps firmly. Make sure the skates are snug but not too tight, allowing your child’s feet to move and bend comfortably while providing good support.

Step 3: Start skating

With the Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skates properly secured, your child can start skating. Begin by placing one foot in front of the other and pushing off with your back foot. Use your arms to maintain balance and keep your knees slightly bent. Practice gliding and turning to get used to the feel of the skates.

Step 4: Slow down and stop

To slow down or stop, your child can use the brake at the back of the right skate (in most models). Simply press the brake down onto the ground using your foot, while keeping the other foot forward for balance. Practice controlling speed and coming to a complete stop safely.

Step 5: Practice and have fun!

Encourage your child to practice regularly and have fun while using the Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skates. With time, they will develop their balance, coordination, and confidence on wheels.

Technische Details

Roces-Inline-Skates Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skate, White-Pink
Modell Roces-Inline-Skates Roces Kind Orlando Inline Skate, White-Pink
Marke Roces
Top Produktbeste-testsieger.de2,2Gut
Größe 25 - 29
Geeignet für Kinder
Farbe Weiß Pink
Rollengröße 64 mm
Größe verstellbar
Rollenhärte geeignet für 80A Asphalt
  • große Auswahl an Größen
  • verstellbare Größe
  • mit Bremse
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