Bio-Saatgut OwnGrown Gemüse Samen Set, 12 Sorten Premium

4.7/5 - (65 Bewertungen)
Unsere Angebots-Empfehlung

OwnGrown Bio-Saatgut ist eine ideale Wahl für diejenigen, die gesunde Lebensmittel anbauen möchten. Das Set enthält 12 verschiedene Bio-Gemüsesamen-Sorten, wie Spinat, Karotten, Gurken und Tomaten, die alle organisch gezüchtet und frei von synthetischen Pestiziden oder Düngemitteln sind. Mit dem OwnGrown Premium Bio-Saatgut können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie gesundes und schmackhaftes Gemüse für Ihre Familie anbauen.

Usage Instructions for OwnGrown Vegetable Seed Set


The OwnGrown Vegetable Seed Set includes 12 premium quality organic vegetable seed varieties for your garden or indoor growing. This guide provides instructions on how to use this seed set to grow your own fresh vegetables.


  1. Choose a growing area: Select a suitable spot in your garden or a suitable container for indoor growing.
  2. Prepare the soil: Ensure that the soil is loose, well-draining, and rich in organic matter. Remove any weeds or rocks from the planting area.
  3. Planting: Take each seed variety and follow the specific instructions on the seed packets for depth and spacing. Sow the seeds directly into the soil or into seed trays if you prefer starting them indoors.
  4. Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering. Water the plants in the morning or evening to prevent evaporation.
  5. Providing sunlight: Place the growing area in a spot that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. If growing indoors, use grow lights or place near a sunny window.
  6. Thinning: As the seedlings emerge, thin them out to ensure proper spacing and healthy growth. Follow the instructions on the seed packets for the recommended distance between plants.
  7. Fertilizing: Use organic fertilizers as per the specific needs of each vegetable crop. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for application rates.
  8. Protection: Protect the young plants from pests and diseases using organic pest control methods. Companion planting and regular inspection can also help in preventing problems.
  9. Harvesting: Harvest the vegetables when they are mature and ready. Refer to the individual seed packets or gardening resources for the specific harvesting guidelines for each vegetable variety. Enjoy the taste of your homegrown produce!

Technische Details

Bio-Saatgut OwnGrown Gemüse Samen Set, 12 Sorten Premium
Modell Bio-Saatgut OwnGrown Gemüse Samen Set, 12 Sorten Premium
Marke Owngrown
Top Produktbeste-testsieger.de1,7Gut
Menge Preis pro Samen 3.780 0,00 € pro Samen
Nachhaltiges Produkt Klimafreundlich
Anzahl an Sorten 12
Enthaltene Sorten Busch-Tomate Zucchini Radieschen Frühlingszwiebeln Rote Bete Pakchoi Karotte Gurke Rucola Grünkohl Paprika Blattsalat
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