Englische Tastatur Microsoft N9Z-00022 Tastatur RF Wireless

4.8/5 - (40 Bewertungen)
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Die Englische Tastatur Microsoft N9Z-00022 Tastatur RF Wireless ist besonders kompakt und somit ideal für den mobilen Einsatz geeignet. Die kabellose Verbindung funktioniert reibungslos und schnell. Die Tastatur verfügt außerdem über eine Lautstärkeregelung und kann individuell programmiert werden.

How to Use the Microsoft N9Z-00022 RF Wireless English Keyboard

Shortcuts and Basic Functions:

  • Press the ‘Caps Lock’ key to switch between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Hold down the ‘Shift’ key while typing to enter uppercase letters or symbols.
  • Use the ‘Tab’ key to indent text or move between form fields.
  • Press the ‘Enter’ key to start a new line or submit forms.
  • Access special characters by combining the ‘Alt’ key with a number key on the top row.

Connecting and Pairing:

  1. Insert the included USB receiver into an available USB port on your computer.
  2. Slide the power switch on the underside of the keyboard to the ‘On’ position.
  3. Press the ‘Connect’ button either on the receiver or the keyboard to establish a connection.
  4. The keyboard will be ready to use once the connection is successfully established.

Battery Replacement:

  • Slide the battery compartment cover off the bottom of the keyboard.
  • Remove the old batteries and replace them with fresh ones, ensuring the correct polarity.
  • Slide the battery compartment cover back into place.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe the keyboard’s surface regularly.
  • Avoid using harsh cleaning agents or liquids that could damage the keyboard.
  • Keep the keyboard away from direct sunlight and excessive heat or humidity.

Technische Details

Beste Empfehlung
Englische Tastatur Microsoft N9Z-00022 Tastatur RF Wireless
Modell Englische Tastatur Microsoft N9Z-00022 Tastatur RF Wireless
Marke Microsoft
Beste Empfehlungbeste-testsieger.de1,5Sehr gut
Tasten-Typ keine Herstellerangabe
Tasten-Layout QWERTY
Multimedia-Tasten 12 Tasten
Verbindung kabellos
  • besonders große Auswahl an Multimedia-Tasten
  • kabellose Verbindung
  • mit Touchpad
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