Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife Elegance Serie 18 cm

4.7/5 - (78 Bewertungen)
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Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife Elegance Serie 18 cm: Das Berkel Van Santoku Knife aus der Elegance Serie ist ein handgefertigtes Meisterstück aus Italien. Die 18 cm lange Klinge besteht aus rostfreiem Stahl und ist mit einer schönen Maserung versehen. Dieses hochwertige Messer eignet sich ideal für das Schneiden von Fleisch, Fisch und Gemüse. Mit seinem ergonomischen Griff liegt es gut in der Hand und ermöglicht präzise Schnitte. Ein absoluter Blickfang in jeder Küche!

Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife Elegance Serie 18 cm

  • Step 1: Prep Work
  • Before using your Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife, it is important to ensure it is clean and sharp. Start by washing the knife with warm soapy water and drying it thoroughly. Then, use a sharpening stone or a knife sharpener to sharpen the blade to its optimal performance.

  • Step 2: Grip and Hold
  • To safely hold the knife, grip the handle firmly with your dominant hand. Place your index finger and thumb on either side of the blade’s bolster or heel for better control and stability.

  • Step 3: Cutting Techniques
  • There are several cutting techniques you can use with the Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife:

    • Chopping: Hold the knife by the handle and place the tip of the blade on the cutting board. Use a downward motion to chop through ingredients.
    • Slicing: Hold the handle with a relaxed grip and use a smooth sawing motion to slice through ingredients.
    • Dicing: Hold the knife similarly to chopping, but make several cuts into the ingredient without fully separating them. Then, rotate the ingredient and make crosswise cuts to create small cubes.
  • Step 4: Care and Maintenance
  • To prolong the lifespan of your Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife, it is important to properly care for it:

    • Hand wash the knife with warm soapy water immediately after use and dry it thoroughly.
    • Store the knife in a knife block or a knife sheath to keep the blade protected and prevent accidents.
    • Avoid cutting on hard surfaces like glass or stone, as it can damage the blade.
    • Regularly sharpen the knife to maintain its sharpness and cutting performance.

Technische Details

Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife Elegance Serie 18 cm
Modell Berkel-Messer Berkel Van Santoku Knife Elegance Serie 18 cm
Marke Berkel
Top Produktbeste-testsieger.de1,7Gut
Klingenlänge 18 cm
Klingenmaterial Edelstahl
Gewicht 200 g
Klingenhärte keine Herstellerangabe
Griffmaterial Kunststoff
Klingenschliff Kullenschliff
  • besonders praktisch
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